On The Round

I first found Rachel through Instagram back in 2013 when I was living in Maine and I first learned how to spin yarn! She was another maker based out of Maine sharing photos of her hand spun and hand dyed yarns through her business On the Round. Watching her work and her business grow was so inspiring! It's one of the big influences that made me think, "hey, maybe I could turn this love into a business!" I've since met her a few times vending shows and continue to be in awe of her dyeing skills and small business growth!
I knew once I stopped the the hand dyed yarn part of my business to focus on designing I wanted to work with other hand dyers and On The Round was at the top of that list! While we were both vending at Maryland Sheep and Wool this May I picked up some of her gorgeous speckle dyed yarns and slowly my latest design Knitflix and Chill was born! This shawl was designed to be simple, fun, and showcase a gorgeous speckled yarn like Rachel's Everyday Lite base! Rachel agreed to share more about her story, I hope you enjoy getting to know her as I have!

Who is On The Round? 

Formally, OnTheRound is an independent yarn company that specializes in fun and
unique color ways using US grown and processed yarns and fibers. I am (for now) a
one woman operation and I work out of my studio in Rockport, Maine. Informally, I am
OnTheRound, Rachel Jones. I am a very passionate maker and lover of knitting and
fiber. I’m really interested in play and flow and I think that my work really represents
that. I always describe my most popular yarns, my speckle dyed color ways, as
cohesive chaos and I would also describe myself in the same way. 

Can you share about your new studio space and what its like to work out of the house?

Ahh! My studio space is amazing! After working out of my home for 7 years, I finally
reached a breaking point and decided to get a studio space so that I could grow my
business more. I came to the decision after a friend of mine, who was looking for a
building for her family business, contacted me asking if I would be interested in renting out a portion of the building they were looking into. My very first reaction to that was, heck yes! The deal ended up falling through, but I knew it was time for me to pursue finding a space for myself. About a week later someone emailed me about a space and it turned out to be perfect! Having the new space has changed my life SO much! I am actually able to have a work and home life, as opposed to it all being mashed together. When I was working at home, I actually never stopped working, because every time there was a chance to work, I took it and never left myself any time to just relax. The other great aspect to having a designated studio is that I am able to keep so much more product on hand, both in supply form and finished product. That subtle changed allowed me to start working with yarn shops to wholesale my yarn, which I have found to be such a fun and rewarding part of my business!

What advice do you have for other creative women wanting to start a business?

My advice specifically to creative women wanting to start a business would be to get out of your head and do it. Forget about feeling like a fraud, or not good enough- we all have those feelings, acknowledge them and just do it anyway. I consider myself a
fearless person, and that has gotten me far in life. I’ve faced the bull many times
(hypothetically) and nothing so bad it couldn’t be fixed has ever happened. I have been scared every step of my life, but I just pushed though and I have been so glad I did every single time.

What are your favorite kind of knitting projects?

My favorite knitting projects are simple designs with classic details that really showcase the yarn. Most of my knitting gets done on the go, so I like to have projects that I can pick up and put down without too much thought, and I don’t like to have to look at the pattern constantly. Shawls, sweaters, and socks are always on my needles!

Where can we find you?

You can find me ALL over the internet!
My website is ontheround.com, I am super active on Facebook @ontheroundfiberart and instagram @ontheround. I’m also on twitter @ontheround and tumblr @makingyarn.


Rachel has generously offered to giveaway 3 skeins of her Everyday Lite yarn so one of you can make the new Knitflix and Chill Shawl for yourself! One winner will receive a PDF of the pattern and On The Round's yarn to make it, AND 3 others will win a PDF of the pattern!

Karla is the yarn/ pattern giveaway winner!

Sarah, Hannah, and Karen are the pattern winners! 

I have sent you each an email, thanks to everyone for playing along!


Brenda Hillard

I absolutely love this shawl!!! Thanks for sharing!!!


I’ve seen Rachel’s yarns at my LYS, Mother of Purl, in Freeport, I haven’t tried knitting with a speckled yarn yet— this would be a great chance to do that!


This is awesome! Enjoyed reading your story. :)

Jenn F

Oh my goodness!! I found this giveaway just in time!! This shawl is gorgeous, I love the design!! Such beautiful yarn! ?


So gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your story.

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