I recently purchased a circular needle case from my local yarn shop Spun in Ann Arbor, MI. For years I had struggled with a bin full of circulars all mixed together, it was a MESS and I could never find what I was looking for/ things got tangled/ and it took forever to simply find the right needle for a new project! I love organization, it makes life easier, takes away stress and frustration, and just feels good. And as a knitwear designer who works from home with my kids, every minute counts! So I was thrilled when I came across these awesome needle cases. There are a variety of colors and styles available, the one I chose has sections for my fixed circulars and DPNS, all labeled by sizes clearly making it a breeze to find exactly what I need at any given time. It folds and wraps up neatly for storage as well. I shared a photo on instagram and everyone went WILD over it! So I reached out to Della and she agreed to tell us more about her lovely company! Read on to hear a bit of her story and enter for your chance to win a case for yourself!

Can you share a little about your background and how Della Q was born?
Spoiler alert: I'm not a knitter. Gasp! I know. Crazy. I'm simply an ex-corporate business woman, tired of the rat race, who traveled to SE Asia for five months. When I came home somehow I hatched an idea to import handbags to the US. (It is amazing what one dreams up while sitting in a steamy hot bar in Saigon). Of course, I had no idea how to import. I just figured it out. Within the first couple of months of selling my bags to local boutiques I had several people who were buying them for knitting. Knitting? Hmm. . .I trekked to the local yarn store in my neighborhood in Seattle and they bought one of every style. The ball got rolling from there. More stores bought my bags and my collection grew to include needle cases.
Do you work alone or do you have a team?
I have a team! My team members include:
My rock star social media manager, Cathi, in Indiana who puts up with my scattered brain. My part time project manager, Ariel, who can always find a better way to do something. Thank you! My amazing Vietnamese sewers in Saigon who can create anything and have set a high bar for quality sewing. My loafers, Lucky the dog and Mattie the cat, who don't contribute much other than keeping me company in the studio. My husband, who is my biggest cheerleader and listener. My fabulous sales reps across the US who keep in touch with the local yarn stores. Finally, my customers, who provide suggestions and inspiration for my products. Without them,
my products would be as boring as a plastic bag!
What does knitting mean to you/ or what project do you have in your bag right now?
I'm not a knitter! Well, I have knit a couple of simple things. I would love to knit a sweater. There are so many amazing patterns out there! Maybe someday. . .
Do you have any advice for other creatives wanting to start a business of their own?
Sometimes you just have to figure things out. Sometimes it is ok to be scrappy, it doesn't have to be perfect. Always share what you learn.
Where can we find Della Q?:
First, check your local yarn store! A current list of our retailers can be found

Della is generously offering TWO lucky winners a free starter collection!!!
The lucky winners are: Karen and Gabrielle! I have sent you an email and attached Della on it so you can claim your prize! Thanks everyone who entered!
diverse Mata Hari
The sad the reality is most of history truly great femme fatales (hatshepsut, Lucrezia Borgia, Lola Montez, Et ing), These Brides from your Apocalypse, Were usually no more than adventurous women living in impressive times. sorry to say, Through their own machinations or accidents of that time period line, Such women find themselves at the eye of a swirling hurricane of deceit, gossip, fabrication, And conspiracy.
this seems to tend toward describing the opposite of what most take as its meaning today. A calamitous woman would be more a hapless train wreck, girls who, regardless of she does, never fail to stumbles or fails, And not the coldly working out, Conniving opportunist one normally envisions when hearing the phrase (More in keeping with Typhoid Mary than Eva Peron).
Such a woman was the enigmatic Mata Hari kindergarten educator, her conversation, the new mom, remote dancer, Promiscuous courtesan, And free style. Her user name, yet, Is infamous and identifiable with another occupation, that regarding femme fatale double agent during war time.
CocoonThe woman known in the human experience as Hari was not born or teethed on a life of drama and abroad intrigue. Even her manufacturer (As Gumm became Garland is rather walking: Margaretha Geertruida Zelle.
She was born into the family unit of a well off haberdasher on August 7, 1876, into Leeuwarden, Friesland, In holland. She had three cousons. Her my child years nicknames were or
Grietje early childhood was one of allowance. Her father parlayed some of his earnings into oil opportunities. your family lived well, And Grietje condition were such she only attended private, Exclusive schools until she was 13 years old.
The young teen girl life turned completely around when her father went under in 1889. He had made many bad speculative investments in trading stocks and shares, And they were forced to sell their beautiful home and move into a shack [url=https://www.bitchute.com/channel/moldovawomen/]moldavian girls[/url] in a very bad part of the city.
The financial strain tore your family apart; Her father completely stopped using Grietje and her three brothers and his wife while he went off to Amsterdam to try his luck. Grietje mother was stretched by their dire straits she was a fragile woman, And she sank into a deep depression and then physical illness. She died in 1891 as soon as Grietje was fifteen.
Although Grietje was more of what one calls a girl she was close enough to her mom-to-be devastated by the loss. Her father came back of sufficient length for her mother funeral, But he did not take ownership of his children. like a, He farmed them out to whatever relatives and friends would take them and returned to Amsterdam. [In feb,march 1893, Grietje father or mother remarried in Amsterdam, But did not return his children. He deceased in 1910; He had no further children with his new wife, Who past away in 1913.]
Grietje went to live with her godfather when she was 17 yr old. She was horrified by her circumstances, Having to suffer as a charity case because of her family scenarios. Her godfather only grudgingly made her in. This sense of helpless habbit, Being subject to another, Would later greatly affect the smoothness of Mata Hari, Making her strikingly independent for her times. Grietje went to school to learn the teaching profession in hopes of finding a place as a kindergarten teacher as a first step toward her health.
She was crafting into a woman. By Dutch ideals she was an odd looking duck. She was not the everyday fair haired Germanic Dutch fr Instead, She was amazingly swarthy, with the dark hair and dark, very nearly black eyes. Her face was heart wooden, And beautiful in an off kilter way. This exotic quality led many in her community to often wonder aloud is she were Jewish or of some other extraction. This ambiguity about her physical aspect would help her pull off her later imposture with great success.
There were anybody searching for extraordinary about Grietje, Compared to her female Dutch brethren. She was very tall for her day relatively over 5 (1.8 l). She was at any time taller than most Dutch men, And she tended to slouch to hide this. She must have been shamed at certain times with comments about her height. [to this day, There are men who shun taller women enhance visual of the pairing.]
The was also bear in mind that was a strike against her; fundamentally, It was two more and more. Her juggs were small, And in today world that would be meaningless. In the Dutch realm of [url=https://sites.google.com/view/moldovawomen/]moldavian girls[/url] the Rubinesque, Billowy woman, yet still, Grietje was not being desirable. [Later in life her breast size would be her biggest sore spot and her biggest point of vanity. She had no qualms about nudity, And posed several times wearing only a jeweled bra. one particular bra, but the truth is, infrequently came off. Some critics had said she covered them because they were saggy or pretty ugly. Her humiliation is unfounded: In an especially rare photograph where she consented to be shot topless roughly the age of 32 breasts are fine. they are largish A cups; They do not sag nor are they disfigured or otherwise unappealing. merely, with thanks to the times in which she lived, She was belittled making to feel although she actually was not.]
Grietje may possibly not have been Rubinesque, But her body was well, shapely, And intriguing. plus, once more,as before, In today world she would not be regarded as sub standard. sadly,on the other hand, She took her social ostracism about her body to cardiac. She hoped to stay on a career as a teacher, Perhaps thinking she would not be able to attract a husband.
By all health care records Grietje was a good student (she would later learn several languages, for example a dialect of Indonesian). Her studies for teaching went smoothly until the smarmy headmaster of the school started taking an undue fascination with her. simple fact that Grietje, Probably dying of being lonely, replied amicably, Her godfather got wind of every thing has become and pulled her out of the school.
It is unknown if every thing has become between the headmaster and her reached sexual intimacy, But it can reasonably be concluded it did one doesn get from soccer practice for harmless flirtations. definitely, Her godfather would have taken her away less out of concern for her well being than for the vicarious aspersions the community would cast upon him for harboring a tart. The godfather constant haranguing was most importantly too much for Grietje; He most commonly reminded her of her status in his home, And she subsequently ran away to an uncle who lived in The Hague. There she worked as a domestic to help out family members as she awaited her 18th birthday.
CaterpillarThe duckling Grietje, Perhaps despairing of ever getting married to, Answered an ad in the matrimonial column of a Dutch publication.
oddly, The while using ad, Dutch Army chief Rudolf John MacLeod, would never know of its placement; it absolutely was put in the paper without his knowledge by a well meaning friend who felt the 38 year old captain should abandon his bachelorhood and marry.
Rudolf was career military services. He was solid, Had a substantial nose with a bump in the bridge, together with bushy, White whiskers curling at both ends. He was also a raging alcoholic, fond of binge drinking, And of a violent loc temper. He was plagued by both diabetes and rheumatism, And it was his need to convalesce from these conditions that caused the military to send him home on a leave when the marital ad was placed.
His wife and kids, MacLeod, Was of Scottish nice, Having settled in the netherlands as immigrants long before his birth. His family name was well known, And they were very much part of the Dutch movers and shakers in the neighborhood. Grietje obtain a reply, And Rudolf agreed to meet her. They straightaway, as well as honestly, Fell for each other, She considering her father (Not expired, Just incommunicado and emotionally distant after his financial ruin), and that he, as expected, Saw in her a nubile teen age girl for your taking.
They gotten married in Amsterdam on July 11, 1895. Grietje, By getting married to Rudolf, Placed herself firmly in the Dutch upper class with financial security the first time in over five years. No more would she have to trust the grudging kindness of relatives. Her safeguards was assured.
the marriage itself almost never took place. The law in the netherlands at the time still considered women as chattel, unable to make informed decisions on their own. as a, Any Dutch woman over the age of 16 years old could marry with parental consent. If she did not need such consent, never the less, She had to hang about until she was 30 years old before she could marry on her own without consent of anyone!
Grietje, uncomfortable by her family social downfall, Had told Rudolf throughout their brief courtship both her parents were dead. never the less, see how to avoid of the law, She swallowed her pride, Dug up her papa, And got him to sign over his consent on her to marry.
Rumors also overwhelmed the young Grietje. The whirlwind romance between Rudolf and her caused tongues to wag (They married only weeks after meeting). thus, It came as a surprise to the muckrakers that Grietje did not give birth within their first child, norman, Until jan 1897 (About 17 months after the wedding); lots of people thought the marital haste was because Grietje was pregnant.
The ardor concerning the two did not last long, And Rudolf began to stray before Norman was born. He extended to indulge himself in staying out all night drinking, Sleeping indiscriminately with any woman he could get, And walking home in the wee hours drunk to either sleep it off, Rape Grietje, Or topped her. Grietje, along with, Knew no better and coped as best lousy.
Rudolf, Despite his very own carousing, Was insanely jealous of any other man who might pay Grietje the least bit of attention or compliment. that he raged, As bullies would, Not at the but at her as opposed to. He took to sloshing her, Even abusing her when she was many months pregnant.
Grietje warm looks, As mentioned, Had been the main topics much speculation. Was she jewish? Javanese? capuccino, In philippines (the Dutch East Indies) Was then a perhaps the Dutch Credit: Public domaincolonial unit. Rudolf was reassigned to blog post there. Grietje was thrilled she at last could get a brows through the exotic place of her birth. They lured into Abawara, A city down the middle of the island.
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