Indie Mash Up

Some of my favorite patterns are inspired by the awesome knitters I meet at fiber festivals! This new shawl is definitely one of those patterns.

I can't tell you how many times I have had people ask me for examples of how to mix in hand spun yarn with hand dyed yarn... too many to count. And it makes sense, hand spun yarn isn't cheap. It's gorgeous, unique and dreamy but all the time and energy that goes into making it certainly adds to the final price. Thats one of the reasons I started spinning myself because I couldn't afford the gorgeous hand spun out there that I was lusting over. 

So one great ways to streeeeeetch out the yardage in hand spun yarn is to pair it with a similar weight mill spun yarn to work up a truly special knitting project.

Thats how Indie Mash Up was born! And the name? Well its pretty straightforward but its basically a mash up of indie yarns!

This shawl pairs some of my hand spun yarn (a navajo plied merino wool) with some of my hand dyed semi-solid Peace Worsted yarns. Knit up quickly with size 7 needles, there are a variety of stitch patterns to add interest while you knit with the mill spun and then simple stockinette for the hand spun sections to truly show off the beauty of the yarn! End the shawl off with a stretchy, smooth i-cord bind off, a quick soak and block, and you're ready to go!

I LOVE this shawl, it's seriously one of my favorites!

You can find the design page on Ravelry HERE

It will release on Tuesday November 1st so make sure to sign up for the newsletter or follow me on instagram for the sweet special release coupon! 

Happy Knitting! I can't wait to see how you pair amazing hand spun with independently dyed yarns!

Peace & Love,


1 comment

Pat DeLeeuw

I hope to make ANNIE LUPTON —LOLA CHIC for my 11 year old granddaughter . She will wear a woman’s XS IN TOPS/SWEATERS. WHAT SIZE WOULD fit her best7
Thanks Pat

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